Today I have got my new PC and started setting it up. I have moved a lot of files from my old system to my new one but something seems to be misconfigured.

I have realized many projects based on webapplications. When you jump into this topic you tend to use XAMPP and there is nothing to say against it. To be honest, I still use this application. It is super easy and very efficient because you do not have to spend too much time with the configuration of your local server. But there is a very common failure many beginners tend to make: they do not use the full power of the tool.

Due to the limited ressources of our IoT-devices we should try to optimize our code, in case we do not want to wait long time each time we access our nodes. In this post I will present you some simple tricks how you can make your device more reactive. The actions are listed from very quick steps to a bit more complex tasks. (May I am going to update this post after some time.)

In a recent project my designer told me: "Ok, we need a video in the background and some text in the foreground.". My first thoughts were "easy as pie".