You may have read one of my last postings: Building a basic webinterface for your ESP8266 . If you have had a look into the code you will have noticed that you can adjust the measuring unit in the configuration. But what if you have a guest who comes from the United States of America and you have configured to display Celsius? We will spend some time on this scenario and I will show you how you can solve this problem.
One of the great advantages of the ESP8266 is it's Wi-Fi-interface and the very fast processor. (It also has a, compared to other microcontrollers, large data-storage.)
So it is easier than ever to generate a nice UI (user interface) to control your project. (You do not even need an additional element.) In this post I will show you how you can introduce a HTML5-based graphical user interface.
One of my favourite elements are LEDs. (light emitting diodes)
The greatest advantage of them: You can see if your project works immediately. But the old fashioned singe-color LEDs are boring and the RGB-LEDs need three different channels (per LED!) of your microcontroller. Another disadvantage of this standard-LEDs is that you need to use PWM to dim them.
The WS2812B solves this issues. They have also four pins but with a different purpose: VCC, GND, data-in and data-out. So you might assume that we can chain them ==> Yes you are right! But it comes even better: You can address every single LED.
So if we assume that we have 8 LEDs you would need 24 channels when you use a standard-LED but still only one channel if you use the WS2812B.